Friday, April 3, 2009

My Hero!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words but I don't know where to begin with this one! Yes, that is a drill, and Yes, my husband is using it as a mixer. I guess I should start at the beginning though. A few months ago Chris broke our mixer trying to be sweet and help make cookies. Well, he came up with a solution! The beater fits in his drill, and since he is a man, he had to try it out! It was truly hilarious to see but it actually worked and the cookies were REALLY good! I guess this means I won't be getting a new mixer for a while! What can I say... I love this man!


Sireena said...

I absolutly love it!!! What a good picture! Don't forget that EVER!! Those are the best memories!!

Samantha and Dustin said...

LOL I need to show that to Dustin- maybe he'll make cookies for me then! I love it!