Wow, it has been way too long since my last real post! So in this post I will try to get everyone up to date on our family! Here goes nothing...
Chris finished the Paramedic program!!! His Mom and sister Sarah were able to be here for his pinning ceremony and to help us celebrate his birthday. We were so happy that Sarah was able to stay for a couple weeks and go camping with us! Camping was interesting with the girls but so much fun with so many friends!
We didn’t really do anything special in August because Chris spent a lot of time working. We knew that he was going to be leaving in September for an internship so he wanted to work as much as he could before then. The girls and I spent a lot of time at the fire station but enjoyed it. We enjoyed the summer weather and going for walks to the park. Chris was gone for a week on a wildland fire near Pocatello but enjoyed the experience and getting to be outside all day everyday.
Chris left for Provo where he was to do an internship with Provo Fire Dept. for his paramedic certification. We went down and visited and enjoyed getting to know some relatives better. On our first visit to Provo we were able to spend time with most of Chris’ siblings and their families. It was so much fun to see everyone. We went to the BYU vs UW football game and enjoyed time with family. The girls were so happy to get to play with all of their cousins on that side of the family. Samantha still talks about the football game and yelling “Go Cougars!!” She loved Auntie Lisa teaching her how to cheer for BYU.
Chris was able to come home for our second ultrasound. We were told that I would need one more ultrasound because I had Placenta Previa. Our doctor wasn’t too concerned because it was only “marginal” previa rather than complete but he wanted to make sure that I wasn’t going to have to have a c-section.
Chris and I celebrated our 4-year anniversary, although we were in different states at the time. So much has happened in the last four years and I am so grateful to have been able to share them all with such a wonderful man.
October started with my birthday on the 1st and even though Chris wasn’t able to be here I had a wonderful day. The girls and I had a play date and a friend made me a surprise cake! That night the wives from Chris’ shift at the fire department took me out for a girl’s night while one of their husbands watched the girls. It was so sweet of them and made my day! I am so grateful for such wonderful friends and look forward to returning the favor!
Chris decided to switch internships because he wasn’t getting the number of calls that he needed in order to finish on time. The girls and I went down to Provo for a few days and were very happy to bring Chris home with us!
While we were waiting for the paperwork to go through for the internship change Chris played in his first performance with the Madison Fire Department Pipe Brigade. He played the bass drum and did a great job! He will be playing the snare drum for the fire department’s Christmas party in December too!
A week or so later we were packed and headed for Washington so that Chris could finish his internship in Yakima. We stayed with my parents and truly enjoyed spending a month with family. The girls were able to spend time with almost all of their cousins on that side of the family!
The girls enjoyed dressing up for Halloween although we didn’t do a whole lot. Samantha was Minnie Mouse and Ashley was (as Samantha says) a “regular” mouse. They were both super cute and enjoyed trick or treating to a few relatives houses.
Ashley started nursery!!! YAY! She loves it once we get her interested in something and sneak out of the room!
We were in Washington for a little over half of November. We celebrated Samantha’s 3rd Birthday! (I know! I still can’t believe that she’s 3!!) We had a party for her at “Granny and Gramp’s” house. Chris’ sister Karey and her family came over so there were a lot of kids to play with. After the actual party the adults had a bowling tournament on the Wii! It was so much fun! Samantha says “thank you” for all of the birthday presents and cards!
We also enjoyed visiting some friends while we were there and helped my parents dig potatoes and make apple sauce/cider. We dug about 1500 lbs of spuds while we were there! We all enjoyed playing in the dirt and getting dirty! Chris finished his internship and we made it home before the bad weather hit too bad.
We are so grateful for Mom and Dad letting us stay with them while we were there.
We got a couple of big snowstorms just after we got back to Rexburg and were glad that we got back when we did. We spent Thanksgiving at home together, which was a huge change from the last few months where Chris has either been gone or we have been traveling. It was so nice to consider all of the ways that we have been blessed this year and all that we are grateful for. We made a complete Thanksgiving dinner and the girls were so excited to get their own glasses of sparkling cider.
We had our third and final ultrasound today (the 29th). I am happy to report that I do not need a c-section!! Everything looked great and the baby is healthy! I am starting to get uncomfortable and am looking forward to February, though! Samantha told me the other day that she wanted to eat all her dinner so that she could have a “big belly like Mommy!” She’s so funny!
So for now things have quieted down. Chris is home a lot more since he is only taking three online classes right now. The girls and I are loving all the time that we get so spend with him!
I am sorry if I have forgotten anything and “should” be able to keep up better now that we’re home and things aren’t so crazy!
The pictures that I want to upload aren't working right now but I will try again later!!
3 days ago